
medicine ceremonies

Ancestral Wisdom Encounter: Ayahuasca & Fire Ceremonies

with Shipibo & Maya Traditions

In our sacred cave area, Nimalaj Abaj, The Great Stone

These ceremonies provide a space for deep healing, inner transformation and reconnection with the ancestral traditions of the Amazon jungle and the Mayan roots, in an sacred environment.

From October - December 2024

ayahuasca Ceremonies

at kawoq Forest

healing through nature

Ayahuasca is an ancestral medicine that comes from the combination of two plants: the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the leaves of the chacruna (Psychotria viridis).

This brew is used in ceremonies by Amazonian indigenous peoples, such as the Shipibo, to connect with the spiritual world and facilitate physical, emotional and energetic healing processes.

Ayahuasca is a sentient being to build a relationship with to clean hearts, minds and bodies. It allows people to confront their fears, traumas and internal blocks and opens a space for deep transformation and personal growth to take place.

icaros for purification

Icaros are the sacred chants that Shipibo masters sing during Ayahuasca ceremonies. These chants not only guide the experience of the participants, but are also instruments of healing in themselves.

Through the Icaros, the masters channel energies and connect with the spirit of the plants, facilitating a deep purification and alignment of body, mind and spirit.

Icaros are used for healing, spiritual growth and harmony and allow participants to find peace and balance in their healing processes.

Truly Magical

“I went for two amazing ceremonies. It was incredible to have the back drop of a volcanic rock face and a really beautiful wall of stones with candles. Very natural and perfect. You certainly have to be able to walk up a rugged path. Kinda like a pilgrimage. Entirely worth it. It’s truly magical.”

~ Awakened B 

Meet your Facilitators...

  • Niwen Sina - The Wind Man

    Known as the “Man of the Wind”, Niwen Sina is a Shipibo master with more than 32 years of experience guiding Ayahuasca ceremonies.

    Originally from the Amazonian region of Ucayali, he has taken the medicine to various parts of the world, including Russia, the Canary Islands, Australia and Guatemala.

    His deep knowledge of medicinal plants and his dedication to healing make him a wise and respected leader in every ceremony he guides.

  • Isa Kea - The Beautiful Little Bird

    Isa Kea, also indigenous Shipibo, is known as the “Beautiful Bird” for his ability to transmit positive energy through his songs and presence.

    Like Niwen Sina, Isa Kea has dedicated his life to sharing the ancient wisdom of Ayahuasca, guiding those who seek to heal and reconnect with their spiritual essence. Together, they create a safe and sacred space where deep healing can flourish.

  • Tata Rolando

    Mayan Facilitator

    Tata Rolando, also known as Xavier Rolandio Rukikelik Ortega, is a Guatemalan ajq'ijab and multidisciplinary healer who has dedicated his life to exploring and preserving Maya cosmology.

    As a ceremonialist guide, he works with sacred fire and ancestral medicinal plants, including tobacco and Xuklem, to nurture the balance between the human being and the spirit. Through his art and wisdom, Tata Rolando combines his knowledge with Amazonian traditions, creating a bridge between sacred cultures.

Purifying Diet (The Ayahuasca Diet)

One week before the Ayahuasca ceremony, it is suggested to adopt a strict diet that helps to detoxify the body and open the energetic channels. 

This involves avoiding processed foods: any food containing preservatives, refined sugar or artificial additives can hinder the connection with the medicine.

Abstaining from red meat and fatty foods: Red meat, sausages and heavy dairy products can interfere with the cleansing that Ayahuasca facilitates.

Eat light, natural foods: Steamed vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains and legumes are ideal for keeping the body clean and receptive.

Limit the use of salt and strong spices: These ingredients can alter the body's energy balance.

Adequate hydration: Drink plenty of water and herbal teas to keep the body purified and ready for the experience.

Preparation Before the Medicine:

Body, Mind and Spirit

Preparation before an Ayahuasca ceremony is a fundamental process to ensure a profound and transformative experience. Our facilitators Niwen Sina, Isa Kea and Tata Rolando, recommend following certain physical, mental and spiritual guidelines to be aligned and in reverence to the medicine and to enhance its healing benefits.

Spiritual Preparation

On a spiritual level, it is essential to enter the ceremony with an open heart and willingness to receive. Some recommendations include:

Practice inner silence: Giving yourself moments of stillness before the ceremony, disconnecting from distractions and outside noise allows you to enter into a more receptive state.

Avoid emotional conflicts or toxic relationships: As far as possible, it is advisable to stay away from discussions or situations that generate stress or unbalance the emotional state.

Perform acts of personal purification: Many participants find it helpful to perform herbal baths, guided meditations or gentle yoga sessions to connect with their inner energy and prepare for the ceremony.

Final Recommendations for Preparation

Comfortable and warm clothing: Wearing clothing that allows free circulation of energy and comfort during the ceremony is essential. Also make sure to have clothing that will keep you warm, especially for our cave ceremonies. It is suggested to avoid dark colors.

Sexual abstinence: Both sexual intercourse and masturbation should be avoided for at least three days before the ceremony. This is to keep the vital and emotional energy focused on the healing process.

Attitude of surrender: Finally, an attitude of surrender and trust in the process is crucial. Ayahuasca works in profound and sometimes challenging ways, but trusting the facilitators and the wisdom of the medicine will help guide the experience towards healing and personal growth.

Mental and Emotional Preparation

The mental and emotional state is as important as the physical cleansing. It is recommended to:

Practice introspection: Reflecting on intentions for the ceremony is key. It may be helpful to journal about areas of life that need healing or clarity, and how Ayahuasca is expected to help in that process.

Meditate regularly: Meditation helps to calm the mind and be present during the ceremony. Even a few minutes a day of conscious breathing can make a big difference.

Releasing expectations: While it is important to have a clear intention, it is also critical not to hold on to specific expectations. Ayahuasca works in unexpected ways and each experience is unique.

Abstinence from Toxic Substances

It is essential to avoid the consumption of substances that alter consciousness or overload the body, such as:

Alcohol: Should be avoided at least one week before, as it can block the mental and emotional clarity that Ayahuasca facilitates.

Recreational drugs: Substances such as marijuana, cocaine, LSD and other drugs can interfere with the spiritual connection and cleansing of the system.

Psychotropic medications: It is essential to discuss with facilitators any medications you are taking, especially antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications, as they can have dangerous interactions with Ayahuasca.

effects of ayahuasca


Taking Ayahuasca in a guided ceremony can offer profound spiritual experiences without being dangerous when done under proper supervision.

The effects of Ayahuasca begin between 30 and 90 minutes after ingestion and can last between 6 and 12 hours. The duration of the effects can be extended if the dose is increased by ingesting several cups, although this also does not represent a risk under proper care.

Ayahuasca induces an expansion of consciousness, opening doors to the subconscious, similar to an intensive therapy. During the experience, participants can confront deep aspects of their being, accessing a state of heightened emotional perception and profound self-reflection. This allows them to confront and explore their true personality, freed from conditioning, expectations and external pressures.

Emotional and Mental Healing Process

Through the ceremony, many participants discover hidden aspects of themselves, facing repressed traumas and unresolved issues. The process, although disturbing and emotional, facilitates the healing of psychological wounds and the release of repressed emotions, such as anger and sadness. This can lead to personal transformation and healing of emotional disorders, such as depression and anxiety.

In this sense, Ayahuasca ceremonies function as a profound form of therapy, helping to treat psychological problems that often require lengthy processes in conventional psychotherapy.

Ayahuasca can also be an effective tool for those seeking to relieve stress, release emotional blocks, and reconnect with their true selves.

Physical Effects of Ayahuasca

On a physical level, the effects of Ayahuasca include an initial phase of nausea and vomiting, known as “purging,” which is seen by Amazonian traditions as a form of spiritual and physical cleansing. Other common physical effects include intense sweating or feeling cold. Although these symptoms can be uncomfortable, they are considered part of the healing and liberation process facilitated by Ayahuasca.

Importance of Supervision

It is essential that Ayahuasca is always taken in the context of a ceremony, under the supervision of experienced shamans or facilitators who can guide and sustain the process. Taking Ayahuasca independently or without proper guidance can be dangerous, as the medicine affects both physically and mentally. Shamans provide the safe environment necessary to work with this powerful medicine, ensuring a transformative and, above all, safe experience.